Orthopedic Pet Beds: What Special Features Do They Have?

Are you looking for the perfect pet bed for your senior dog? TRUE orthopedic dog beds are designed to provide superior joint support and improve overall health and mobility. Learn more about what features to look for when selecting an orthopedic pet bed.

Orthopedic Pet Beds: What Special Features Do They Have?

Are you looking for the perfect pet bed for your senior dog? TRUE orthopedic dog beds are designed to provide superior joint support, allowing your pup to enjoy a comfortable sleep experience and improve their overall health and mobility. Whether your pup is predisposed to orthopedic issues due to their breed or breeder, an injury, a health problem, or their age, you can help ease their pain with an orthopedic pet bed and keep them happy, healthy, and playful for years to come. Orthopedic dog beds are the most popular choice for older dogs, but they can also be beneficial for dogs with certain health problems. Raised beds provide better air circulation than floor beds and are easy to clean and disinfect in the event of an accident.

When choosing an orthopedic bed for your pup, look for one that is easy to clean - especially if your pup tends to bring the outdoors inside! Tori Countner, DVM, owner of Balanced Pet Vet, recommends considering the following features when selecting an orthopedic bed:

  • Cushioning that rivals human mattresses
  • A lounger perfect for large dogs
  • A raised bed for improved air circulation
  • A bed with cage lining
  • An easily accessible bed for older dogs or those with disabilities
You may have heard the term “relaxing dog bed”, but this is nothing more than marketing jargon used to convince pet owners to buy a particular bed.

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